Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Small Green Town

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Some days ago I went to Green Town and I have gone back every time I want to be in a pretty place. The place is full of beautiful spots. Love all the colors, and it is obvious that everything has been designed in a very delicate way. Walking there was funny, cause I was so immersed in the sights, that literally I jumped out of the chair when I saw a wolf in front of me, then I laughed like crazy when I realized that I got scared by a pixelated wolf. I loved the place, it has become a bit of my secret place ...

Kash is wearing...

  • Outfit: *CK* Candylicious panda (160L / Marketplace
  • Shoes: *CK* Sporty sneakers panda rocks candy (99L / Marketplace)
  • Backpack: NS::  Happy Bag (mesh) (50L / Marketplace)
  • Poses: nani - blooming daisies (1L / Marketplace)


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