Sunday, March 23, 2014

Yummy for my Tummy

(to enlarge the pics you can click on them)

I wanted a good dessert so bad (yes!! I love everything sweet!!) so, I went to find a good piece of cake, ice cream or whatever to enjoy some sugar hehehe I landed in 2 differents bakeries and I ate everything I could yummy yummy. From my point of view there is nothing better than a good creamy dessert and I am kind of hiperactive now, I think I had too much hahaha. I am wearing an awesome outfit that my Mom and Dad got for me, I love it so much, I am totally crazy for these boots!! Love this outfit so so much!!

Sweethearts Cafe & Bakery

Yeaaaahhh!!! Live, Laugh and Love!!!! ♥

I met a pretty white kitty and I wanted her to be friend of my cat Mario (they would do a lovely couple hehehe)
I found 2 pretty gifts there, the first one is a pink dress and the second one are socks with cupcakes on them 

Yummy for my Tummy!! hehehe

Jumping totally hiperactive, full of sugar lol

And that is the way you finish after having a bag of donuts, a big ice cream and 2 pieces of cakes, aaaaauuuchhhhh my tummy hurts (but I don't care, I love desserts!!)

Kash is wearing:
  • Outfit: - BD - Jean Jeanie Outfit - Earthy (Dad and Mom gift, yes! I am a spoiled girl)
  • Hair: Lovely Butterfly Hair Nro 32 (11L / Marketplace)
  • Bag of Donuts: [S.K.] Donuts Craze (1L - Marketplace)
  • Locations: Sweethear Cafe and Bakery & Bobtail Bakery

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Family

(to enlarge the pics you can click on them)

My Second Life can be summarized in just being around, jumping from sim to sim, all by myself, until I am close to Dad and Mom, then I feel pampered and protected. And that is what a family is about .

I have these two wonderful guys who occasionally stand in front of me, shooting questions, asking how I am, and there I go, giving my full report to them . Sometimes I feel that, if it would be possible, they would take their hand across the screen to take care of me, but thank God, I have amazing parents in RL and I am so blessed to have amazing parents in SL too.

I think they have not idea how much I love and respect them (or maybe they do hehehe) but since they adopted me I pray everyday for their happines, I just want they are always as happy as I am just because I am their daughter. It is all about energy, if they are around I feel nothing bad can happen to me and I am safe, and then I dont need someone else by my side, with them I have all I need. And knowing they care about me means the world to me.

I am so proud of being Kash Silverfall, daugther of Tylor and Faith Silverfall. I admire them in a lot of single ways and I just want to keep in my heart, as a treasure, the best of their personalities. They honored me when they wanted me to be part of their family. And for that reason I just want to be good, to make them proud of me.

Silverfall Family is a big family, four beautiful babies (Brison, Tj, Kailey, Kaila)  and two monkeys (Tiny and me, Kash) Rofl! and yes, all the girls name initials is K

I love you so much Dad and Mom, and I say that from the bottom of my heart...

Kash is wearing...
  • Blazer: Gamer Blazer w/shirt - Goomba (65L now, but I got it in a sale for 2L / Marketplace)
  • Short: *MIMOSA* Wody short B&W (10L / Marketplace)
  • Shoes: MDL - Cat Flats Red (1L / Marketplace )
  • Bracelets: *P* Woman Bangles ~ Red (0L / Marketplace)

Auntie Marian

(to enlarge the pics you can click on them)

I think there isn't another girl as lucky as me, having an awesome SL auntie, just like I have my auntie Marian. And I suppose now, you might be wondering why she is so good .. well, let me tell you. First, every time I am with her, my belly hurts cause I laugh so hard. Second, she is super sweet and always takes care of me, she always wants to know how I feel, how I am, what I'm doing. In fact, she sits down to listen to me telling her about my stuff. And above all, she wants me to grow up quickly and act like an adult, but I can not do that!! I like to be her little niece... And yeah auntie, I will be wear flat shoes for ever!!! :D

Small Green Town

(to enlarge the pics you can click on them)

Some days ago I went to Green Town and I have gone back every time I want to be in a pretty place. The place is full of beautiful spots. Love all the colors, and it is obvious that everything has been designed in a very delicate way. Walking there was funny, cause I was so immersed in the sights, that literally I jumped out of the chair when I saw a wolf in front of me, then I laughed like crazy when I realized that I got scared by a pixelated wolf. I loved the place, it has become a bit of my secret place ...

Kash is wearing...

  • Outfit: *CK* Candylicious panda (160L / Marketplace
  • Shoes: *CK* Sporty sneakers panda rocks candy (99L / Marketplace)
  • Backpack: NS::  Happy Bag (mesh) (50L / Marketplace)
  • Poses: nani - blooming daisies (1L / Marketplace)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Sunday at the Amusement Park

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There is nothing better than spending a Sunday at the amusement park. This place is so fun, I enjoyed the bright colors, all the rides and it is full of spots that invite you to laugh. One of the most important things to stay healthy, laugh until your tummy hurts hahaha. I met the Hookah - Smoking Caterpillar and it was so much fun, she wanted me to smoke, but noooo!! I hate smoking!! Sadly, I had not so much time to tour the entire park, but i really want to go back and then I will add some more pics hehehe. Well, to going to the park I decided to wear confy clothes and I chose a top I found in a Hunt, and the rest of the clothes are from Marketplace. Nothing more to say, if you want to have fun, head to the park and let the adreline runs :D

Kash is wearing...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Avalon Celtic

I got this beautiful pink dress in The White Armory (thanks to my Auntie Marian who reminded me to pick it up) In fact, I got it yesterday and I am wearing it from then, I like it so much! so I just want to keep wearing it for a while hehehe. Its skirt flows with my movements and it makes me feel like a real princess. Well, according to the gown, I decided to visit a Medieval themed Sim, and I have to say I chose it radomly, but I was lucky enough to land in a very beautiful place named Avalon Celtic. I found some gorgeous spots there, and I enjoyed all its details. What a beautiful and peaceful place...

(to enlarge the pics you can click on them)

Kash is wearing...